Welcome to Year 1
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Term 1
The year 1 children have made a great start to the new academic year. They thoroughly enjoyed their recent visit to Brogdale. They experienced a tractor ride around the orchards, where they stopped to pick and sample their own apples. In the afternoon, they then chopped the apples, pressed them and made their very own apple juice. Delicious!
In science, the children have been learning about different animal classification and how animals are grouped according to their features. In art, the children have been exploring different lines. They had great fun drawing spirals which included using chalk to draw spirals on the playgrounds. You might have seen their designs yourselves.
They are still loving their ‘Let’s Explore’ time where they have been engaged in writing activities, construction, imaginative play in the role play area, drawing, junk modelling, maths activities and accessing the different OPAL areas.
Term 2
The term started off with a culinary delight when the children made an apple crumble during design and technology. The children created their crumble by peeling, chopping, sprinkling and rubbing the ingredients together, carefully following the recipe. Not forgetting the importance of having clean hands and being safe and careful with the cooking utensils. The friendly kitchen staff helped us to cook our crumble and then, the best part, we got to taste it.
It wasn’t just the year 1 children who had a good munch in term 2. ‘Nibbles the Book Monster’ has been engaging the children’s interest during their English lessons this term. Nibbles is a very naughty book monster – he chomps, munches and nibbles his way through fairy tales that don't belong to him! The children loved lifting the flaps, peeking through the peep holes, and chasing Nibbles through a fantastical world of books, in this quirky story, exquisitely illustrated by Emma Yarlett.
Term 3