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What is safeguarding at ‘The Willesborough Schools’?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.  The safeguarding of our children and families is paramount.  We take swift action to ensure that all children have the best life outcomes.  We work together to ensure that our children grow up experiencing safe and effective care.  


What is child protection?

Child protection is part of the safeguarding process.  It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.

Each school must write a child protection policy.  This outlines the principles of safeguarding and child protection in our establishment.  It is for staff, parents, children and governors.  The policy also states all the procedures and government guidance that the school must follow.

Child Protection Policy

Online Safety Policy

We also have a separate Online Safety policy.  This policy sets out the measures we will take to keep children safe from online harm.   

A very important document for schools to understand is ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE).  It is written by the government and is updated regularly.  Schools must understand and follow this guidance as part of their safeguarding procedures and practices.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

What is a DSL and who are they at ‘The Willesborough Schools’?

DSL stands for ‘Designated Safeguarding Lead’.  This is the named person for the school that leads and oversees safeguarding policies, procedures and practices.  At Willesborough Infant School it is Emily Sparrow, Assistant Headteacher.  At Willesborough Junior School it is Andrea Cooper, Assistant Headteacher.  The school also has a number of deputy DSL's who work alongside the schools DSL’s: Shelly King, Tom Head, Anna Broad, Nikki Roberts, Sarah Pepper, Ree Ockenden and Felicity Eastwood . We are all fully trained. The DSL or deputy DSL’s must be informed of any concerns about a child’s welfare by members of staff in school.  There are posters around the school and below which help you to identify the DSL and deputies. 

I am worried about my child, what do I do?

You can always talk to your class teacher they will be able to support you and your child with any classroom concerns.  They may in turn speak to a DSL if they believe there is a need for further support or advice.  If you are worried about your child’s safety, physical or emotional health then you should speak to a member of the safeguarding team straight away.  You may, in turn, be signposted to other members of staff such as the SENCO or FLO.  They may offer you direct work or they may signpost you for external support.  If you are concerned your child is at risk of immediate harm you must speak to the school DSL without delay, call the NSPCC helpline, integrated front door children’s social services on 03000 411111 or the police on 999.


I am worried about someone else’s child, what do I do?

Perhaps you are concerned about something you have seen or heard in relation to another child.  The school DSL’s can listen to your concerns and support you in the course of action to take.  You may contact the NSPCC helpline, integrated front door children’s social services on 03000 411111 or call the police on 999 if it is an emergency.

How can I get more support for my child and for myself?

The school has a FLO, short for Family Liaison Officer and an Assistant FLO.  They can support with a wide range of concerns or issues that you or your child maybe experiencing.  They can offer support and advice on a range of parenting topics.  You may find it helpful to talk things through and seek their advice.  The FLO will also be able to signpost you to specialised support available locally.  If you would like to make contact with the FLO please feel free to stop in to the front office and request a call back from them.  You are also able contact them directly via the FLO mobile number 07851087678

We also have a Welfare Practitioner, Sarah, offers direct support to children in school and to you as parents and carers too. 

You may wish to be referred by the school to Early Help services.  Early Help workers look to support families for short periods of time, normally 6-10 weeks.  Early help services can be delivered to parents, children or whole families, but their main focus is to improve outcomes for children.  For example, services may help parents who are living in difficult circumstances provide a safe and loving environment for their child.  Or, if a child is displaying concerning behaviour, early help practitioners might work with the child and their parents to find out the reasons for the child's behaviour and put strategies in place to help keep them safe and support their wellbeing.  Early Help services will work alongside your school.

The leaflet in the link below provides more information about Early Help Services

EHPS Leaflet for Families

What will the school teach my child about how to stay safe?

At the Willesborough schools we believe it is vitally important to teach children how to stay safe from potential harm and give them the tools they need to thrive.  We have created our own citizenship curriculum with five different strands.  Each strand has been carefully developed by our staff to include statutory curriculum teaching requirements and learning opportunities tailored specifically to our pupils individual needs.  The five strands are ‘relationships’, ‘rights to be me’, ‘health education’, ‘community and care’ and ‘sex education’.  Within the strands are many different topics and themes including positive interactions, family, friendship, rights and responsibilities, safety in the world around me, online safety, self-image, self-care, feelings and emotions, disability, understanding faith and culture, diet, charity, care, environment, physical health and public services.  The curriculum progresses from year group to year group carefully considering pupils social, emotional and physical stages of development.  It is delivered in a variety of different ways including whole class lessons, group discussions, assemblies and workshops.


I am a professional, how can I get in touch?

If you are a professional and would like to contact a member of our school safeguarding team please use our dedicated safeguarding email address (below).  This is checked daily by our safeguarding team.  Or call the school on 01233 624165 to speak to a member of the safeguarding team.

I think my concerns are not being listened to, what do I do?

If you are worried that your concerns have not been listened to or you are not sure what to do with a concern that you have about an adult please follow the school’s whistleblowing policy.

If you have further concerns or you are looking for advice on what to do you can call the NSPCC’s dedicated whistleblowing advice line.