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Willesborough Infant School

Pupil Premium

At Willesborough Infant School, we are committed to 'diminishing the difference' and improving academic achievement and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. We have high aspirations for all our children. Staff are committed to ensuring that all children, regardless of their background, achieve well. At our school, we create an environment which enables us to develop the ‘whole’ child.

Pupil Premium

Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools to improve the attainment of children who may be at a disadvantage. The government believe that this is the best way to tackle inequality and narrow the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. The pupil premium funding is intended to directly benefit those children who are eligible. This money is allocated to initiatives to ensure children reach their full potential, both academically and socially.


 Pupil premium funding is given to schools for:

  • Children who are currently eligible for free school meals.
  • Children who have qualified for a free school meal in the last six years.
  • Children who have been looked after under local authority care for more than one day.
  • Children whose parents work within the armed forces.

Principles of Pupil Premium Funding

  • We expect quality first teaching that meets the needs of all pupils.
  • We ensure that the needs of children who receive the pupil premium funding are adequately assessed and addressed.
  • When making provision for pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be disadvantaged.
  • We also recognise that not all pupils who are disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being disadvantaged. Each intervention will be inclusive of children receiving the pupil premium grant.

The school can spend the Pupil Premium in many different ways to ‘diminish the difference’ based on barriers they have identified and outlined in their strategy statement.

‘Free School Meals’

There are two types of free school meals available from the government:

  • Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) entitles every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to a “free school meal”.  It is not income based and all children in those year groups can receive them.
  • Income and Credit Based Free School Meals is linked to your income and any credits or benefits you may be receiving.  Children from Foundation stage to year 11 are eligible.  You may be entitled to this if you meet the eligibility criteria.

So… what does it all mean for an Infant school?

Children at Willesborough Infant School all receive a universal free school meal.  However, if you met the eligibility criteria for Income and Credit Based Free School Meals in Foundation stage, Year 1 and 2 your child’s school will also receive £1,455 each year, for the next 6 years.  The pupil premium that the school receives for your child will directly benefit their education.  All schools produce a statement about how their pupil premium funding is spent each year and the impact that it has.  Schools must work with disadvantaged pupils to ‘diminish the difference’.


Amount of Pupil Premium allocated to Willesborough Infant school








2023-2026 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

How can I help my child to receive Pupil Premium?  

When your child is offered a place at Willesborough Infant school you are given a Pupil Premium eligibility form as part of the admissions pack. 

When given back to the school, it is used to find out if your child is entitled to Pupil Premium.  If your circumstances change at any point in your child's education and you think your child is eligible for Pupil Premium you can fill in the form, give it to school and have your eligibility assessed.  Please ask in the school office for a Pupil Premium eligibility form or alternatively, you can print off the form below and hand it into the school office.  

Pupil Premium Eligibility Form

Some of the exciting ways we use our Pupil Premium  

As a whole school team, we take responsibility for all children achieving the best possible outcomes in their reading, writing and maths. As well as teachers and teaching assistants, the assistant headteachers and executive headteacher support children with their reading development on a daily basis. We have many fantastic opportunities on offer to support our children to learn to read. Staff in school prioritise reading 1:1 with children who may be at a disadvantage. During lunchtimes we have a library club where children are able to read and access a range of high quality books. Our teachers have created provision for additional reading after the school day, including  'Books and Bites'.  The children join in with reading activities whilst enjoying a bite to eat.


All of these opportunities support our reading intent - 'Every child will be a reader, regardless of their background, needs or abilities'. 

We provide extra learning support for pupils at all stages of their learning journey.  We have experienced teachers who lead 'In the Spotlight' activities across the academic year. All support is needs led and based on children’s individual targets or areas for development. Teachers carefully plan and deliver precise teaching programmes and support to meet individual and group needs. Provision maps are in place for Pupil Premium children, focussing on SMART accelerated progress. 

We offer many different opportunities and experiences for all our children.  They may take part in a range of clubs and activities, themed days,  school trips and visits from inspiring individuals.







We have created communication and language enrichment opportunities across the school to improve oracy and speaking skills.  Some children  receive regular visits from our specialist speech and language teaching assistant who joins their ‘child initiated’ sessions to scaffold and support their language development as well as providing small group sessions. 

We provide additional advice and support to improve attendance for our pupil premium children.  We have regular meetings in school and invite parents in to provide help and support with their child's attendance. We provide strong incentives for the children to attend school everyday and create opportunities for parents and children to attend sessions in school together.