Personal Development
No opportunity is missed to enhance our children's personal development. Children are inspired to take part in a wide range of clubs and enriching activities during and outside of the school day. They benefit from excellent opportunities that enhance their learning and prepare them to take their place in the society, including the world of work.
During their time in year two, our children train and work as First Aiders and Mini Middays. We have carefully considered how these opportunities support their personal development, shaping their own future.
Mini Midday
Throughout the year all of our year two children have the opportunity to be ‘Mini Middays’. When your child is a Mini Midday they have a responsible job to undertake at lunchtime and even wear their own uniforms - just like our Midday Leaders! Mini Middays help the children in Year R (EYFS) and Year 1 to cut up their food if they are having difficulty and support them in making choices about their puddings. They help set the tables, pour water into cups and interact with their peers by ensuring they move around the hall following the one-way system. They ensure that the tables are clean at the end of the lunchtime. At the end of the term they are presented with their Mini Midday Award in assembly which is a badge that they proudly wear.
First Aid
During their enrichment sessions children learn about basic first aid in a practical way. They learn about hazards in the world around them. They enjoy learning about how to put on bandages and plasters and what to do in an emergency situation including putting their peers in the recovery position.
Tiny Teachers
Our Year 2 children support the EYFS children in their play by becoming a Tiny-Teacher. The Year Two children are able to develop their leadership skills by supporting children learn and follow classroom routines. They support them in their play and develop their independence.
Press Gang
The Year 2 children take it in turns to produce a termly newsletter that is shared with the Willesborough community. They take ownership of the content which includes what the children have been learning about and even some of their favourite jokes!