Sports funding
Every school receives an annual sports premium from the government. The aim of this funding is to improve PE and sports programs offered by schools.
Schools must spend their funding on improving their PE provision. Ofsted report on how the school has spent its funding and the impact this has had on raising standards in sport. Schools are required to publish how their funding has been used along with details of the breadth of the sports curriculum offered by the school.
Extra Curriculum Sporting Activities
- Football Club
- Games Club
- Cricket Club
- Netball Club
- Kurling Club
- Boccia Club
- Tennis Club
- Athletics Club
- Multi-skills Club
- Enrichment Sporting Days
PE Funding and Action Plan
To view our PE Funding and Action Plan, please click the following link:
Sports Funding: Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium 2019/2020
Sports Funding: Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium 2020/2021
Sports Funding: Evidencing the impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium 2021/2022
PE Funding Plan for Academic Year 2021/2022
Total Premium £18,250 |
Total Spend £18,250 |
PE Funding Plan for Academic Year 2020/2021
Total Premium £18,446 |
Total Spend £18,525 |
PE Funding Plan for Academic Year 2019/2020
Total Premium £18,650 |
Total Spend £18,525 |
Sporting Activities
Last year a team of infant school children participated in an Infant Agility competition where the team achieved 2nd place, bringing back silver medals. The activities included long jump, javelin, bowler, hi– stepper, speed bounce and beanbag target throw. All children showed great determination and supported each other throughout the competition.
At the beginning of July, Willesborough Infant School took a team of year one and two pupils to Mersham to compete in a Rapid-Fire Cricket competition against twelve other local schools. They played in eight matches throughout the day winning six of them. Overall the team came 2nd and should be very proud of their achievements!