Frequently asked questions
Term 1 Topic Map
The children in EYFS have had so much fun during their first couple of weeks of school. We have been very busy recognising our names and having a go at writing them too. We have loved exploring our outside areas and working together! During 'Let’s Explore' times we have been building using the tools and helping our friends when it’s time to tidy. We have loved exploring our outside areas and had so fun much seeing the effects of the rain and creating wet footprints with our wellies. The children have been learning some new sounds in phonics and have been naming and recognising some shapes in maths. We have already made so many friends and the Owls class, Badgers class, Foxes class and Hedgehogs class have all settled into school life well.
Term 2 Topic Map
This term EYFS have been getting even more settled into school life. We have been busy learning even more sounds in phonics, beginning to segment and blend to read words too! We have had lots of fun learning how to subitise amounts and have become super subitisers in maths! Our 'Let’s Explore' times have been full of fun, exploration and investigating as we continue to problem solve and make links with our learning. The children have been thinking about 'Our Colourful World' and have talked about all things colourful and wonderful, noticing the changes in seasons and exploring mixing colours, learning all about the primary colours too!
Term 3 Topic Map
Reception had so much fun learning about people who help us and all of the different jobs they do. We loved having some of our parents come in to talk to us about their jobs and answer some of our questions. We learned about so many different types of jobs and how they help us! The children looked amazing all dressed up for their career’s day and it was so great to see so many families enjoy the career’s fair too! We loved learning about vets helping animals, police helping people, firefighters saving people and post workers delivering our letters. We even walked to the post office to post our own letters home and watch them be delivered! We loved celebrating Chinese New Year, making decorations, learning about traditions and using our role play. In our Phonics learning, we are continuing to learn new sounds while using our knowledge of existing sounds to segment and blend words and sentences. We are also getting very speedy at recognising our helpful words! In our Maths learning during Term 3, we looked at finding different ways of making up the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9, while continuing to practise our super subitising skills. The term finished with International Week, where the children had so much fun learning about a different country and sharing their knowledge with the grown ups in Walk in Wednesday. We had an amazing Term 3 and can’t wait to share more fun from Term 4 with you all.
Term 4 Topic Map
Term 4 for Reception was full of exciting dinosaur adventures! We learnt about the creatures from the past and even learnt new vocabulary, such as, carnivores and herbivores. We went on imaginary adventures to find out more information about these dinosaurs and described them in our writing. We looked at fossils and learned about a very important person from the past, who was a palaeontologist called Mary Anning. We loved learning about how people from the past are so important to our lives now.
In our maths learning, we practised our number bonds to 10 and explored all of the different ways to make numbers up to 10 using a variety of different resources. We also became brilliant artists when learning about Henri Rousseau. We had so much fun creating our own masterpieces inspired by the man himself!
As ever, we are continuing to enjoy our 'Let’s Explore' time where we demonstrate great responsibility, leadership and friendship with others. We loved exploring the changes in seasons and weather and it was so lovely seeing the beautiful spring flowers in our outside areas.
Term 5 Topic Map
The children in EYFS have had a brilliant Term 5 where we had some Minibeast madness! During the term we explored our natural world by going on mini beast hunts and learned so much about a range of mini beats and their habitats. Who knew worms have five hearts!

Term 6 Topic Map
The children in EYFS have had a brilliant Term 5 where we had some Minibeast madness! During the term we explored our natural world by going on minibeast hunts and learned so much about a range of minibeasts and their habitats. Who knew worms have five hearts!
Alongside our minibeast hunting, we talked a lot about how to be kind to our environment and look after them. One of our favourite moments of the term was putting on our minibeast concert for the parents to hear our songs that we practiced throughout the term. It was lovely to see the children come to school dressed up in their fantastic mini beast costumes. What a great way to sign off the term!
EYFS Phonics and Reading Workshop
phonics and reading workshop 2023.pdf
NumBots Launch
We are excited to launch NumBots for EYFS, an exciting programme designed to help improve children's mental recall and fluency in addition and subtraction facts, to help them move from counting to calculating. We hope that your child enjoys immersing themselves in this programme, earning their coins and building their robots.